Episode 4 Attitude
Welcome to brothers-inspiration.
New beginnings require that you commit to yourself. But before you begin this new life end the life that nearly destroyed you.
Come to an agreement-contract with yourself; to hold yourself accountable. Accountable to be better every day. To not allow your feelings or emotions to hold you back or push what you need to the side.
One leg forward one foot planted
One day I read a bible scripture speaking about Putting Gods before me. A law put in place as the LEAD law. Meaning every else Follows that. Thought shall put no other Gods before me.” Now the word ‘God,’ means big, enormous idea!
Now we were made in his image which is interesting. Basically anything we put first before what we are spiritually suppose to do is disobedience. Our spirits a reflection of God and us putting our wants before what the spirit needs. I hope you understand if not I will continue to explain.
Again in biblical reference God speaks of his son, so that you may understand how deep the sacrifice needs to be. For a man in those days giving us his son meant giving up all his wealth.
This episode isn’t about sacrifices, but about believing. Letting go of one mindset to develop another. In order for you to achieve and remain inspired. Inspiration comes from the inside of you. It doesn’t happen watching others. That is passion. Keeping yourself inspired and motivated is the key to successt
Positive brings the same “I’m going to conquer this energy.” It has a more positive affect on how you look at things.
How I look at things determines if I will remain in the same circumstance or get out of it. Most people who prefer to act selfishly say, “It’s me not you.” As if the act of nobility releases you and allows you to continue to live your, ‘Have my cake and eat it too, lifestyle.’
One thing I learned people who lie and cheat enjoy it. Don’t be fooled by the ‘Boo-hoo’ of people it’s a scam. Especially if they are still getting some kind of attention. These attitudes will have you second guessing your behavior and will only increase your perception of injustice. This can have a reverse affect, where you might believe there are benefits in lying. Your attitude can easily change if you buy into that lie. Backsliding is the result. Once you have a pulse on detecting negative behavior be alert to it. All your energy should be focused on deterring that energy. Many times what we want is hidden in that lie.
Forget about the crab in the barrel mentality keep a lid on the barrel because at this point if you can detect it you are out! Having a positive attitude means being able to see the sun of each day. If it’s raining wonderful at-least I got to see it. You have to believe nothing exist without you creating it, that includes your attitude. Perception of negative attitude is the result of fear and losing what you believe to have. The opposite of that is what can I get? You must honor the discipline and reward. Don’t fear that acting in a positive way will result to you losing what you have. It will only strengthen your desire to defend it if you have suffered behind it.
A good attitude will also teach you how to be humble. Knowing when you are wrong. Admitting truth to yourself allows you to learn more about yourself and the world around you. Being humble tells us that we all make mistakes, without admitting this, a Demi-God is raised. And if we choose to believe that we are Gods without those mistakes we become rulers without
My attitude determines if I will stay with the idea or walk away from it. But what determines my attitude-simple my faith and control. On the outside attitude is controlled by circumstances and the attitude of others. How many people are riding that same wave. How important is your attitude? Some people actually think it’s humorous to act up, talk back in a manner that’s promotes disrespect. But so many opportunities are lost because of it.
Let’s say your behavior does bring you success. The success you achieve doesn’t heal you. You become worse and worse in your character. True success isn’t measured by wealth. I benefit and receive the same blessings that people with more money have achieved. Money doesn’t equal spiritual wealth. Human beings are too hungry to see others fall. That may be what you want but don’t confuse what you are eternally creating. Your positive or negative to what many do is dictated by your emotions and for most not all emotions rule your life.
One of the biggest steps you will achieve is controlling your emotions. Place them where they belong. Act accordingly to what the moment is and direct according to the person or situation raised those emotions. For some controlling those emotions is extremely hard but you must become the boss of those emotions. Controlling or trying to control others isn’t supervising your emotions. Supervise those emotions before they become attitudes. Since it is your attitude that people judge you by not your emotion. Your attitude is only the result of you being capable or incapable of controlling those emotions.
In short leave your problems at home or where they belong. We all have some or are trying to figure somethings out. No one wants to feel obligated to have to deal with your mess. Emotion feeders are the result and walk you into entangled relationships. Friendships that have a yoke on you.
What kind of yoke? I like your question. A spiritual one. It is called either guilt or debt.
A yoke pulls you into a different direction forcing you to fix or get involved in situations you get tired of. Pulling in the sense of (Using force).
Most situations of having a yoke require a master. They don’t begin that way, in the beginning your owner created the illusion you have control.
Let’s move back if you don’t mind to your attitudes. The beginning of all our attitudes start from the result of our first experience. Yes, I know you know that. But how do you pin point when you first had that experience.
Best attitude to have is one of a problem solver. Look forward to challenges.
When you walk into a problem do you first think of how to correct it!
This attitude will last long into the future. The misconception of attitudes is that they are short lived, but if your attitude is defined as the way you approach situations than consider this to be long term. If it is long term liked anything else it will require you to exercise. Anything long term is exercised if it expects to be in good health and standing. If you wish to out do your competitors.
Begin with dealing with the short attitudes-the morning rituals of waking up grumpy and complaining about the day or the rain. Be positive about it and say, “the rain brings sunshine.” I agree both with science at times and the Bible. It is written that God created light but why would he have needed to. Reality is because darkness existed first. So, if it did accept the face that everything starts in darkness and eventually lightens up. But you have to create that light. You can not leave your canvas of life blank, eventually the dust will begin to fall permanently on it.
Every opportunity or beginning doesn’t begin as a beautiful sunrise or a shooting star. The opportunity is for you to begin a new one so if you carry that long term negative attitude from your past into a new one-imagine your life being in danger and someone chasing you in the dark. You will not know from where is this pressure coming.
Your attitude reflects your creativeness. If you have a positive attitude your work will show its beauty and the best if you will show. Attitudes will manifest what you receive in life. Same as work will manifest money.
But attitude determines how you view everything. Having a positive attitude is a mindset not an emotion.
I hear people all the time say, “He looks like he has an attitude.” Do me a favor and keep pushing the other way. That’s my mindset because you verbalized what you think of me without knowing me. Second do you even understand what having an attitude is? Attitudes again are not emotions but mindset. It is a thought attached with a process of how you will deal in a situation. Could be one of heading to the gym but your body decides it feels tired. Your positive attitude kicks in to tell your body we are doing what I want to do today. Snapping the mind into submission a spiritual one requires you to become its master. People that allow themselves to be controlled by their minds or emotions are slaves to their mind. But those that choose to whip their mind have become its master. It is a spiritual whipping. The spirit is willing but flesh is weak (meaning lazy) and easily defeated.
Practice breaks those who are mentally weak. Practice until you create a positive habit and have taking it into submission.
The reason I begin every podcast the same is to place in practice that attitude to what you are about to hear. I only know from what I have allowed myself to learn. My attitude changed many years ago. I didn’t know it all. One of my weakest moments came from not Listening to my parents. Now understand I not only blame myself but my parents. We didn’t have a relationship, but if we did perhaps I would have listened more. Punishing someone you don’t have a relationship with only distances the relationship. If the distance grows so does the sound of your voice. Everything we touch, smell or may see can cause an emotion. Science teaches you to pay attention these signs. While faith tells you to overcome what you believe to be real. That lesson teaches me to live my perception of what is real.
Words are what fuel our creative and potentially our progress. Words that trigger our minds like “He has an attitude.” In your mind the response should always be I needed one to get myself out of many situations. What I mean is define it differently from what you have thought of it in the past.
Triggers are removed my changing the volt and combination to what gets you upset. Things that you subconsciously stored away. Open the vault and see what’s in there.
Your attitude is your approach to how you do things.
Mindset creates your attitude that creates your altitude.
Let’s talk about two types of attitude that can give you a good head start. Attitudes tell me how far in life you are going.
1. Gratitude- the attitude that everything beyond me waking up is where I’m most thankful.
Reach for something that excites you.
1. Complaining- ungrateful for the things you have.
Example it’s nasty outside Why because it’s raining? Depends on your perspective right? Simply put if I’m in a country in need of water it’s a beautiful day!
Life is perspective with that I will leave you with a short reel on “we are here for the experience in my Instagram page @brotherinsiration